home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Friday, April 20, 2012 - Page 13 of 81 - << previous page : next page >>
The work on the new walkway from Fantasyland to Liberty Square is moving along.  You can see a temporary retaining wall (this is where the old sky way building was)
The work on the new walkway from Fantasyland to Liberty Square is moving along. You can see a temporary retaining wall (this is where the old sky way building was) Click to switch to large image view
Also some work being done in the middle of the Haunted Mansion Queue.
Also some work being done in the middle of the Haunted Mansion Queue. Click to switch to large image view
A look out one of the windows of the Harbor House shows they are working on the infrastructure by the walkway still.  I read there will also be new restrooms built as part of this project.
A look out one of the windows of the Harbor House shows they are working on the infrastructure by the walkway still. I read there will also be new restrooms built as part of this project. Click to switch to large image view
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